Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's Your Type?

Yeah, I imagine the title on this one got your attention, especially if you're single. Let's face it, for those of use that are, it's one of our favorite questions to be asked. For a few minutes, we get to fantasize about that guy or girl of our dreams with no pressure of actually having to talk to him or her. A good friend of mine asked me this not long ago, and I'd love to tell you that I came up with some super-Christian answer that would make even Billy Graham proud... but I didn't. It was more along the lines of "Oh, you know, a Spanish girl named Margarita that knows how to make a good one, wants to listen to my mile splits, and massage my feet after a long run." Yeah, probably not my finest moment.

We've all got that type of person (or maybe specific person!) that puts that silly grin on our face at any given moment without notice. We've all most likely experienced having that person in our lives, but the feelings weren't reciprocal. Some of us may be aware of when someone had a crush on us, but we didn't feel the same way. Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you who you should or shouldn't date, nor what you should look for in a partner.

What I am going to remind you of is what it says in Romans 5:6-8 "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Honestly, most of us that are single struggle with it - we're afraid we're not attractive enough, not smart enough, not fit enough, not... fill in the blank. Jesus was God, and He died for you and me. Not because we were awesome, but because we weren't. In fact, perfect is the only way we can have hope of eternity with Him, but every one of us screwed that up. Think about it, the thought of not spending eternity with you was so irksome to Him that He actually died for you. He didn't talk about dying for you or whisper sweet words in your ear about how He'd do anything for you, He just went and did it!

No matter what you think your faults are, He sees you as His perfect bride, and He is SO in love with you. That love never fades, either. It is as passionate for you now as it was the day you were conceived.

So yes, you are single in this season, but you aren't alone, and you're certainly loved beyond your wildest imagination.

By the way, I recovered from my not-so-hot response since I realized she wanted to know if I might click with a friend of her's (to which I was extremely flattered that she thought that highly of me) and told her I have only one real requirement - she must love Jesus. Here's the way I see it: if two broken people are going to try and make it together, the only real chance they have is that they both look to Christ in both joy and disappointment.

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