Sunday, March 2, 2014

Suggestions on How to Deal with the Stress of Life

I cycle through the many varied emotions that come with a divorce and the struggle of hitting the reset button on life, and it's not always easy to hide how I feel. In fact, I do very little to attempt to suppress my emotions for fear that I may try to bury them deep enough that I never actually face the struggle and deal with them leading to a situation where I allow sin to fester in my heart again.

As such, I get a lot of advice from people that I am around, but it's always interesting to see what those that are not focused on Christ have to say. One person in particular reminds me constantly that marijuana and sex will solve all of my problems. Another suggests violence; going out and shooting guns or making explosions to get the stress out. Still others encourage me to go out and really hammer it in the pool, on the bike, or out for a run. Of course, there are always friends that are happy to have any excuse to go out and drink. I'll be honest, some of those suggestions sound tempting and there are plenty of people out there that will agree with them. But what will actually work for me? For you?

Philipians 4:6-7 tells us "6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The answer doesn't lie in anything of this world, the answer lies in a relationship with Christ. See, it's not about escaping the pain through drink or drug, it's not about the passion of romance, it's not about the best bike or fastest run splits, it's not about making things go "boom". It's about embracing the struggle and taking it in prayer to God who promises to bring you peace.

So next time you're like me, and things just aren't working out. Stop putting your own effort into it. Pray and tell Him anything and everything about it. Then watch Him bring you peace and give you the strength to persevere through the Spirit's work in you.

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