Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Circles - Part 2

Okay, so now we (hopefully) understand that no one living on this earth has completely shaken that sinful nature. We recognize that our sin nature and the Spirit living in us are fighting against each other, which creates the struggle we feel between doing what we know is right and what we know is wrong when we are tempted.

Unfortunately, that's not the end of the story. People that are "converted" go back to their old ways. Pastors cheat on their wives. "Good" people do terrible things. What happened in those situations? Were those people never really saved? Were they faking it? Truthfully, I don't know. Only God can see into our hearts completely. I can tell you that for me, I had a lot of head knowledge from growing up in the church and zero real relationship with Christ. So in my case, I'd say that I was good at pretending, but I really wasn't saved. Even though I am confident of my salvation now, is it possible that I could return to my past? Absolutely. 

Those two circles that merged in our last conversation are like two positive ends of a magnet - they repel each other. The Spirit works to displace the sin nature and vice versa. If you've ever played with magnets, then you know the only way to keep two positively charged ends together is to force them towards each other. Just like those magnets, we have to embrace the struggle that occurs when those two sides come together and even work to keep them together with an intentional pursuit of Christ. The only way the struggle ends is to allow one side to completely take over. 

For so many people, myself included, at some point they give up the struggle, weary from the fight, and allow sin to dominate. The alternative is to allow the Spirit to dominate us, which is ultimately what happens when a Christian dies and the sin nature is no longer present.  As we mature in our walk, we certainly allow the Spirit to take over more and more, but the sin nature is still there, even if it does become extremely small in comparison. For that reason, we can never, ever give up the fight. 

Isaiah 40:29 - 31 tells us "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

When you grow weary of fighting, and you will, remember to look to Christ for your strength. He has promised to renew that strength so that we may fight on in preparation for an eternity with our Savior. 

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