John 9:25b - "One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see."
For the outsider, man, God is a confusing being. There are plenty of ways that they question the love, faithfulness, or even possibility of Him. How can God let bad things happen to good people? How can God allow natural disasters to happen? How can God be three completely separate beings yet one whole? How can God have always been there? Science is actively trying to find the "God particle". Terrible things happen all over the world at the hands of wicked people. It can be really frustrating to wrap your head around the idea that God is good, yet all of these things happen.
In John 9, Jesus healed a man that had been blind. The Pharisees (my old colleagues) questioned him first, then his parents, who deferred back to their son, who was of age to answer for himself. See, the Pharisees were divided - they couldn't figure out how a sinner could perform a miracle, but clearly He wasn't of God since He did the work on the Sabbath. In a stroke of shear honesty, the man simply says (paraphrased), "I don't know what He is, all I know is that earlier today I was blind, but now I can see."
I don't have answers to those hard questions for you. While theologians can answer some, it is impossible for us to fully know an infinite God this side of heaven. All I can do is point to the evidence in my own life as an example. There are things that were meant for evil that were turned into good. There are choices that I made in faith with no ability in and of myself to make it work out. There are simply points in my life that there is no other explanation for other than there is a loving God who is actively working in my life, and I have seen it in other people's lives as well.
While I do not know what it is like to be totally blind physically, I am very aware of what it is to be spiritually blind. I didn't even know I was blind until Christ opened my eyes. It's frustrating for people that have had this eye opening experience to not be able to say in words what can help you see what we can. It's the experience of Christ doing that work that makes the change. All I can do is point to my life as an example of the amazing work of Christ in the hopes that you will believe it can happen and that real change is possible. Our God has a perspective infinitely larger than any of us could possibly imagine. So what if we just start with the assumption that God really is love, and pray together that He opens our eyes to see the world through His eyes?
I'll end with this paraphrase from C.S. Lewis - "I believe in [Christ] as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but by it I see everything else."
Yes, friends, when God opens your eyes it is so significant that it is like you are seeing for the very first time, and your world will never be the same!
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