The truth is, I was never qualified to command this ship. It was false documentation that I provided to gain the captaincy. It was designed to be piloted by One who is skilled in navigating the waters in both calm and stormy seas. It was supposed to be sailed by One who did not look lovingly at the detail in which the vessel was built for His own gain, but who loved the ship itself for its incredible craftsmanship and understood its design. Only the One who built it from the first plank to final sail could know this ship well enough to navigate it through the entirety of its voyage.
I prepared for the end, I laid on the deck crying and wondered how painful it would be to die. I considered taking my own life on my own terms rather than allow it to be taken from me. As I gave myself up for lost, the storm subsided. A Man I had never invited on my journey, but spoke of as if He had been to satisfy those on board, was at the wheel...
...and I was terrified by His presence.
He somehow avoided the rocks and righted the ship. All that was damaged seemed to be as fresh as the day she first touched the water. He made her new again. Humbly, I offered the True Captain my sword and begged Him to take my life as punishment for my crimes. Gently and kindly, He embraced me. "Now that I have your heart," He said, "I can make a good sailor out of you. Although there will be scars, I will heal the pain, and now I can use you to reach others. You have always been valuable beyond measure to me, and now you can experience the extent of My love."
Some people see me as a slave to my Captain, but I have been set free. Some say there is still mutiny in my heart, but I take every emotion to my Savior and He brings me comfort and encouragement. People wonder when I will tire of glorifying and praising my Lord, but He gives me strength and courage to continue each day.
The people that sail with me now know who I have been, they know who I am, and they know that they are two very different people. As my Captain has released the wheel back to me, He is never far away to guide my hand and correct with gentleness. He continues to teach me His ways of navigating this sea, and it is like nothing that other men told me it should be.
I am not proud of who I once was, and I often find it difficult to relive those days as an example to others. My Lord has forgiven me for my crimes and has wiped the charges from His record. He has redeemed me to serve a greater purpose.
I hope that you will join me on my voyage. Stay as long as you like. Observe and evaluate what you see. Join the crew if you feel comfortable. Take the time to earn my trust, and as my Captain guides me, let tell you the story of my treason, the glory of His rescue, and the joy of His redemption. As your own journey moves on, you will be faced with choices. Will you look to Him and set yourself aside? He will teach you and guide you gently if you can. Will you trust only in yourself for your own glory? If you are to be rescued, you will first be humbled, and it will hurt terribly. Are you unsure of where you stand? We need to talk.
2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come!"
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